Rimba - API Documentation

All Rimba customers have access to the Rimba API to extend the use of Rimba even further. The API is based on the latest best practices for API's: RESTful and data formatting in JSON.

Please note, the Rimba API documentation is only available in English


We are dedicated to make the Rimba API a joy to work with as a developer. Which means: extended documentation, full and free support, very fast API responses and high rate limits. Do you need extra methods in our API? Please let us know.


The base API URI for the Rimba API is:



We improve our API regularly. Keep track of recent changes in our changelog.


The Rimba API is only accessible through HTTPS and requests and responses are always JSON formatted.


Using the Rimba API requires an API Key. API Keys can be revoked easily and cannot be used to login to your Rimba customer account. Best security practice is to use a dedicated API Key per application.

Rimba uses Bearer authentication (also called token authentication). Please authenticate using the following header:

Example: Authorization: Bearer <token>

New API Keys (tokens) can be created and revoked in your Rimba customer portal. in My account > API Keys.

Rate limiting

There is a rate limit per API key. In normal cases the limit is 250 requests per minute. The header X-RateLimit-Limit shows the current rate limit. X-RateLimit-Remaining shows how many requests are still remaining.

If you hit the rate limit, we will respond with a 429 Too Many Requests HTTP Status Code and your request will be ignored.

Please support rate limits in your application from the start. Back off if you hit the rate limit, and retry failed requests later. Forgetting to support rate limiting is the number 1 issue for users of our API and can result in an automatic revoke of your API key.


Most GET requests are limited to 500 results. You can use the 'page' query parameter to get the next 500 results. Like this:

https://www.rimba.eu/api/v1/products?page=1 (0-499)
https://www.rimba.eu/api/v1/products?page=2 (500 - 1000)
https://www.rimba.eu/api/v1/products?page=3 (1000- 1500)