
Get real-time stock information about our products


Name Type Description
id_product integer Unique product identification
reference string Unique Rimba reference. Sizes are indicated with a '.' (dot)
ean13 integer Barcode (EAN13) of the product
quantity integer Current numeric stock of this product
stock string Current textual stock of this product. Available: no_stock, low_stock, in_stock
state string Current state of this product. Available: inactive, active, discontinued, coming-soon

Get all stock information

With this call, you will only get stock of the active and discontinued products.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK [ { "id_product": 1, "reference": "1000.1", "ean13": 8718900000001, "quantity": 250, "stock": "in_stock", "state": "active" }, { "id_product": 2, "reference": "1000.2", "ean13": 8718900000002, "quantity": 250, "stock": "in_stock", "state": "active" }, ]
This endpoint uses pagination with pages of 1000 results.

Get stock of a single product

With this call, you will only get the stock of a single product by its reference or EAN13 (barcode).

HTTP/1.1 200 OK [ { "id_product": 1, "reference": "1000.1", "ean13": 8718900000001, "quantity": 250, "stock": "in_stock", "state": "active" } ]