
Get real-time information about addresses in your account


Name Type Required Description
id_address integer generated Unique address identification
alias string required Alias (name) for the given address
company string optional Company (name) for the given address
firstname string required First name for the given address contact
lastname string required Last name for the given address contact
address1 string required Address line 1 for the given address
address2 string optional Address line 2 for the given address
postcode string optional Postcode, postal code, zip code for the given address
city string required City for the given address
country string required Iso code for the given address
phone string optional Phone number for the given address
other string optional Extra text or information for the given address

Collect all the addresses of your accounts

With this call, you will only get the active addresses in your account.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK [ { "id_address": 12000, "alias": "My new address", "company": "Rimba B.V.", "firstname": "Rimba", "lastname": "Breda", "address1": "Moskesbaan 10", "address2": "null", "postcode": "4823 AH", "city": "Breda", "country": "NL", "other": null, "phone": "31(0)765414484", "date_added": "2024-04-23T11:33:55.000000Z", "date_updated": "2024-04-23T11:33:55.000000Z" }, { "id_address": 12001, "alias": "My new address", "company": "Rimba B.V.", "firstname": "Rimba", "lastname": "Breda", "address1": "Moskesbaan 10", "address2": "null", "postcode": "4823 AH", "city": "Breda", "country": "NL", "other": null, "phone": "31(0)765414484", "date_added": "2024-04-23T11:33:55.000000Z", "date_updated": "2024-04-23T11:33:55.000000Z" }, ]

Get a single address

With this call, you will only get one of the active addresses in your account by its ID.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "id_address": 12000, "alias": "My new address", "company": "Rimba B.V.", "firstname": "Rimba", "lastname": "Breda", "address1": "Moskesbaan 10", "address2": "null", "postcode": "4823 AH", "city": "Breda", "country": "NL", "other": null, "phone": "31(0)765414484", "date_added": "2024-04-23T11:33:55.000000Z", "date_updated": "2024-04-23T11:33:55.000000Z" }

Create a new address

With this call you can create new addresses in your account.

{ "alias": "My new address", "company": "Rimba B.V.", "firstname": "Rimba", "lastname": "Breda", "address1": "Moskesbaan 10", "address2": "null", "postcode": "4823 AH", "city": "Breda", "country": "NL", "other": "null", "phone": "31(0)765414484" }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created { "id_address": 12000 "alias": "My new address", "company": "Rimba B.V.", "firstname": "Rimba", "lastname": "Breda", "address1": "Moskesbaan 10", "address2": "null", "postcode": "4823 AH", "city": "Breda", "country": "NL", "other": null, "phone": "31(0)765414484", "date_added": "2024-04-23T11:33:55.000000Z", "date_updated": "2024-04-23T11:33:55.000000Z" },

Update an address

With this call you can update an existing addresses in your account. Just entering the fields you want updated is sufficient.

{ "alias": "My updated address", "firstname": "Breda", "lastname": "Rimba", }
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "id_address": 12000, "alias": "My updated address", "company": "Rimba B.V.", "firstname": "Breda", "lastname": "Rimba", "address1": "Moskesbaan 10", "address2": "null", "postcode": "4823 AH", "city": "Breda", "country": "NL", "other": null, "phone": "31(0)765414484", "date_added": "2024-04-23T11:33:55.000000Z", "date_updated": "2024-04-23T13:33:55.000000Z" }

Delete an address

With this call, you can delete one of the active addresses in your account by its ID.

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content